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Learning About Podiatry

Hi everyone, my name is Felix. Welcome to my site about podiatry. When I was regularly running marathons, I would come home with severe damage to my feet. All of the soaking and rubbing did not help my feet heal fast enough. By the time I had to go back to work, I was still hobbling around on the outside of my soles. Luckily, a friend directed me to a highly respected podiatrist in my area. With my doctor’s help, I healed quickly and prevented future foot pain. My site will cover all of the ways podiatrists can help you protect and restore your feet. Thank you for visiting my site.

4 Things To Know About Plantar Warts On Your Feet

If you have noticed something weird growing on your foot, you may have a plantar wart. This is not something you are going to want to avoid taking care of. It is essential to understand what it is and what you can do about it.

Plantar Warts Are a Virus

A plantar wart is actually a viral infection that is focused on your skin. The human papillomavirus or HPV causes this infection. A specific strain of HPV results in the growth of warts on the feet; other strains of HPV can cause wars on other parts of your body.

Generally, the virus gains access to your skin through the means of an open cut or wound. You can also get the virus by coming into contact with someone else who has a wart.

They Start Small

Second, a plantar wart usually starts small, as a tiny black dot on your foot. Over time, they will grow in size and can get as wide as the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil. Sometimes, you can get clusters of plantar warts together; when you get a cluster referred to as a mosaic wart. A mosaic wart is still a plantar wart; it is just a cluster of them that grows together and results in thicker skin, multiple small black dots, and often pain.

The wart itself generally has a smooth surface. The color may be slightly brown or yellow. It tends to go inward and will create a slight bump on your foot. It tends to grow on either the ball of the foot or heel.

What to Expect

Third, many warts disappear on their own. When this happens, it is called spontaneous remission. Your body identifies the wart as a virus and fights back against the virus on its own.

Not all go away on their own. If it sticks around, you are going to want to seek treatment.

Treatment Choices

When it comes to treating a plantar wart, you are going to want to see your podiatrist.

One of the most common treatments is to use acid on it. This will help kill the wart and stop its growth. It is also a non-invasive method, which is why it is the first method used. Usually, a few acid treatments are necessary to treat the issue.

If acid doesn't do the job, the podiatrist will anesthetize the wart and cut it out. This is usually only done when other treatment methods don't work.

Additionally, there are over-the-counter medications you can use. You should only use over-the-counter medicines for a few weeks before seeking professional treatment.

Left untreated, plantar warts can grow in size and cause pain as well when you walk. That is why you will want to work with a podiatrist to fix the issue as soon as possible.

For more information about plantar warts, contact a podiatrist in your area.