Learning About PodiatryLearning About Podiatry

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Learning About Podiatry

Hi everyone, my name is Felix. Welcome to my site about podiatry. When I was regularly running marathons, I would come home with severe damage to my feet. All of the soaking and rubbing did not help my feet heal fast enough. By the time I had to go back to work, I was still hobbling around on the outside of my soles. Luckily, a friend directed me to a highly respected podiatrist in my area. With my doctor’s help, I healed quickly and prevented future foot pain. My site will cover all of the ways podiatrists can help you protect and restore your feet. Thank you for visiting my site.

How To Treat A Strained Achilles Tendon

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body, and it performs a highly essential function as you walk, run, and even stand. As such, straining your Achilles tendon can be very painful, and it may greatly impede your daily activities, let alone any athletic endeavors you may have. Luckily, when the injury is just a strain and not an outright tear of the tendon, conservative treatments will generally allow you to heal within the span of a few weeks. Read More 

Pain In Your Toenail? You May Have An Ingrown Toenail

If you are having pain in one of your toenails, this can be caused by many things. One of these things is an ingrown toenail. So you can know what is wrong, below are some symptoms and causes of an ingrown toenail, as well as treatment options available to help you feel better. Symptoms and Causes of Ingrown Toenails The main symptom of an ingrown toenail is pain in your toe. Read More