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Learning About Podiatry

Hi everyone, my name is Felix. Welcome to my site about podiatry. When I was regularly running marathons, I would come home with severe damage to my feet. All of the soaking and rubbing did not help my feet heal fast enough. By the time I had to go back to work, I was still hobbling around on the outside of my soles. Luckily, a friend directed me to a highly respected podiatrist in my area. With my doctor’s help, I healed quickly and prevented future foot pain. My site will cover all of the ways podiatrists can help you protect and restore your feet. Thank you for visiting my site.

Dos And Don's Of Caring For A Blister On Your Foot

It's quite common for people to develop blisters on their feet. Maybe you just started wearing a new pair of shoes, and they rubbed you because they are still stiff. Or maybe you just went on a long hike, and your feet were not quite callused enough to hold up over the distance. In any event, you should not let a blister alarm you. But you should make sure you care for it in a way that promotes healing while helping to prevent infection and ongoing pain. Here are some dos and don'ts to follow in order to achieve these goals.

Do: Apply an antibiotic ointment.

Even if you wash them often, your feet are not the cleanest part of your body. There are almost certainly some bacteria that will come into contact with your feet. You want to ensure they do not infect your blister. Applying an antibiotic ointment to your blister a few times per day will help protect against infection. Make sure you give the ointment a few minutes to absorb and work before you put a sock on.

Don't: Pop the blister.

The blister might eventually pop on its own, but often, your body will reabsorb the fluid before this happens. Then, the skin will stay closed, which makes for safer and more complete healing. Don't manually pop the blister. You increase the risk of infection by doing so.

Do: Check in it regularly.

Look at the blister at least once or twice per day. If you see that it is giving off pus, is red around the edges, or appears swollen, contact a doctor. These are all signs of an infection. The sooner you seek treatment, the better. An infected blister may not seem like a huge deal, but the infection could spread into neighboring tissues and even your blood without proper medical care.

Don't: Cover the blister with a bandage.

The blister needs to dry out as much as possible as this will allow it to heal. So, leave it exposed to the air when you can. If you have to wear socks during the day, do so. But if you are able to wear sandals and let the blister breathe, that's even better.

If you follow these tips when you get a blister on your foot, you will heal faster, more completely, and in a healthier way. Talk to a podiatrist to learn more.  

For more information, contact a local company like Advanced Podiatry and Wound Care.